Monday, December 3, 2018

December Begins! Millicent Tour, Big Cottonwood Canyon- 12.2.2018

December has arrived, and with it a lot of snow in the mountains. We have had nearly 50 inches of snow in spots in the Wasatch since last Thursday. Sundays seem to be the day so far this season. I made my way up the snowy canyon road in the Jeep and arrived at the base of Millicent. Quickly put on the boots and headed up. The first 100 yards there was a snow gun running, skins and gun snow are not fun. I pushed past the second one almost slipping into a ditch, but managed to keep my edge hold and proceeded up to the next switchback. There was no skin track at this point so I made one and it was weird that the snow sounded like it was collapsing. I know it was that layer of gun snow breaking under the new snow from my weight, but if you need a refresher on what snow sounds like when it is collapsing this was a good one. It did not avalanche, you could just hear that crust breaking as you put pressure on each board as you climbed. Finally hit the summer road and put in some fast tracks uphill.

December Begins! 12.2.2018 from CPPhoto on Vimeo.

I eventually topped out at Twin Lakes, switched over the gear and hung out for a bit. I like to enjoy these moments. Winter is beautiful in the mountains! After taking in the view with the falling snow I dropped in. The snow off trail was right side up, but pretty thick if you were making turns. I really missed making turns in deep snow like this. It makes you feel like you are flying. I had good snow all the way to the Jeep. Even got frosted by a snow gun at the bottom of the Milly chair. This has been a great start to the season! Much better than last year. I hope it keeps snowing so the terrain opens up so we can get out and explore! Enjoy the pics and videos from the climb and the descent. Let the good times roll!

Millicent Tour 12.2.2018 from CPPhoto on Vimeo.

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