Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Brighton Lakes Trail, Big Cottonwood Canyon- July 2013

It has been a few years since I have done a hike to Lake Catherine from the Big Cottonwood side of the range. I had a unusual Wednesday off, so I figured with the valley a boiling pot of hot stagnant air, what a better day than to head up to the mountains. I started at Brighton, and began the climb. This is not a hard trail, it is just a lot of wandering. I made my way past the ski lifts and up through the meadow, and then to the junction that takes you up to Dog Lake and Lake Mary. The foliage has grown so thick in here, I almost did not recognize Dog Lake with how thick the flowers were up there. After a quick visit to Dog Lake, I made my way up to Lake Mary. I only stayed a few minutes to snap a few shots and take in the view. Then it was up to Lake Martha. There was a Bull Moose eating the new plants on the shore, and I only stopped for a minute to check him out and snap a shot. Up the switchbacks I climbed, until I got to a nice overlook of Clayton Peak. After a bit, I found myself strolling up to Lake Catherine. I got there and the fish were jumping, so out came the fly rod. In minutes I had one on, and the party began. I fished for a few hours, all around the lake. My luck was good, and I feel pretty strong now with the fly rod. After catching my fill, I soaked in the view for a bit, then it was time to take an evening stroll back down the way I came. The temperatures were perfect, and the evening light was making all the flowers just pop! I miss just wandering the Wasatch. This reminded me of how great a place we live. We are lucky to have these mountains, and the treasures they always share when you visit them. Enjoy the slide show, more adventures to come.
djnebula's Brighton Lakes Trail 2013 album on Photobucket

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