Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Overnight In The Uintas, Solo Backpacking, Uinta Mountains- June 2023

Well after eight months of waiting for winter to let its grip off the Uintas, I was able to finally get out for a backpacking trip! It was so good to be back up there enjoying the sound of silence. I made a quick AM drive into the trailhead, then finished up the coffee, threw on the pack and boots and made my way in. Utah had a record breaking winter, so everything is lush and green this year. The trail was mostly dry to the river crossing. The first meadow was showing off the views for sure. Once you round the corner you start to climb into the drainage. The river was rushing and the sound was very soothing. Flowers here, mud there, not too bad, and nothing that would make you turn around. Just careful steps was the key. I hit the first big up, and it was a small stream in the trail. As I continued on, I arrived at the first pond on the trail and it was as full as I have ever seen it. This part of the trail is so nice, and really sets the tone for a great day! As I continued on, the flowers just kept becoming more beautiful and the trees were lush and full! A couple of stream crossings, and down to camp I went!

After getting camp set up, I fetched some water, then put my tenkara rod together to try some fishing at the ponds. I fished them for quite a while, I got one on, but unfortunately it got off. Thats just how it goes. While I was fishing, a very aggresive deer was snotring and getting unusually close to me and It was a bit strange. I wrapped up fishing and went back to camp. That same deer was pacing back and forth on the ridge above my camp and making some sort of call. It was so weird how this deer just seem fixated on me. At one point it was standing in a clearing and just staring at me. Creepy Deer! Watch my YouTube video below for a more detailed look at this encounter. So strange! I got my fire going for the evening, then made a new Ramen/Freeze Dried Veggies/Sriracha dish in my Toaks pot and it was so good! That is going on the regular rotaion in my meal planning. After dinner and the abscence of any crazy deer present I got my D810 out and set up a star shot and a star trail. The night was clear and the temps mild. I enjoyed my fire just listening to the forest and the river. Eventually it was lights out for a good nights sleep.

Morning came, and was slightly cool though not miserable. The lack of bugs on this trip to this point has been mind blowing. I packed up camp, made coffee, then decided since I was packed about an hour earlier than planed, I would finish my coffee and try my hand at some tenkara casting. It was quiet out there. Not much action, and my luck did not change. I wrapped up the fishing kit, then threw on the pack and started the hike out. Flowers were really blooming more than on the way in and the clouds provided some mood to the adventure. Its been since Ocotober last year since I have been to the Uintas. It is so good to be back. The YouTube edit of this adventure is posted below. Enjoy the pics! More adventures to come!

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