Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Dean Lake, Uinta Mountains- October 2020

I was happy to see the forecast hold for one more trip into the Uintas before winter shows up. I decided I'd do one more overnight trip out there before winter settles in. The drive in was traffic free and was a nice semi display of color from the aspens changing for winter. I found a spot in a really empty trailhead lot and put on the boots and headed on in. This hike goes mostly downhill on the way in so you can kind of pack a little heavier because if you eat and drink it all you go out very light. The trails this year have become moon dust since we have had virtually no moisture for three months. So as I kicked up a cloud I made my way into the divide. Not long after making the descent off the pass the going gets much easier. It was a really nice walk and really warm for October. I dropped down to Clegg Lake, Ran into my friends Jay and Elisa who were camped there. I chatted with them for a bit and then moved on. The hike down to Dean Lake was really dry. There is usually a good inlet stream when I descend through the meadow but it was bone dry this year. Arriving at Dean Lake and you could see how low it was from our drought year. I have never seen it this low.
I made my way to my spot and set up my camp for the night. I packed quite a few extra layer items as I knew the overnight temps would be mid 30's. After getting shop set I put it together and made my way out to the lake to go fishing. Not sure what it is the last few weekends but the wind just seems to get me everytime I try fishing. On top of that there was not much surface activity so it was really just tossing your angles and seeing if you would get any action. I did get one bite on the north end of Dean Lake, but nothing was there when I set the line. I circled the whole lake fishing all my spots for a number of hours. Just not much action. I guess my fishing luck has dried up for the year out there. Eventually the sun started setting to the west and I moved back to camp to get the night layers ready and to have some dinner.
The alpenglow on the peaks was beautiful and I was able to capture that on time lapse. The skies were a bit hazy bit clear for the most part. I had dinner as darkness fell. I was really quick to get out to the lake for a Milky Way shot since the moonrise was coming soon. I think the peaks behind me blocked the moon for a bit longer than it was forecasted to for moonrise and I was able to get a nice image. I then put out my camera for a star trail and settled into camp. As the evening wore on it got colder and I went out to grab my camera to turn in early for a podcast and then some really good sleep.
I awoke about 7:30 AM and could see my breath. There was frost on my tent poles and on my vestibule. I laid in my sleeping bag until about 8 AM then got up and made coffee. The sun was sending over rays of light off Bald mountain. The higher the sun got the more instense it was to watch. It was like the light was pouring over the ridge like a waterfall. Then the first rays hit my legs as I was in my chair. It was a nice feeling and in minutes you could not see your breath anymore. After breakfast and coffee I slowly packed it up. I was on the trail before noon and made my way up to the Jeep. Great season closer overnight trip. It has been a great year out there! Nothing more social distancing than solo backpacking! I am going to miss the nights in my tent and the days on trail. But everything that has a beginning has an end. Seasons come and seasons go. So do we! This party is gonna change to winter soon. Some hiking then its snow time! Enjoy the pics and be sure to hit my YouTube channel from this trip and subscribe if you like! More adventures to come!

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