Thursday, May 23, 2024

Solo Overnight Backpacking Trip, Wasatch Range, Utah- April 2024

With the warm forecast continuing, and I now having the stoke lit for backpacking again, I figured I'd hit a local area and then move up into the national forest, and stay the night to watch the stars. It was a beautiful day. I stopped and fished the reservior on the way in, caught a couple of small trouts, then put the pack back on and made the big climb up to find a spot to pitch with the camera for the night.

The light on the way up the canyon was perfect and the temps just right. I made it to a spot near the snow line that was perfect and gave me somewhat of a view of the sky, but low enought to block most of the light pollution. I sat and had dinner while my camera was working. Eventually I gathered up my camera and hit the sleeping bag.

Morning came, and I had coffee with a duck in camp. I packed up camp and cleaned up the area to leave it better than I found it. I hit the trail and had a nice hike down to the lake. I tried some fishing, but alas, no repeat of the luck I had. Enjoy the pics! More adventures to come!

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